

That’s the average amount UCLA has received to fund research projects each year since 2009-10.

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As one of the world’s top research universities, UCLA has the intellectual capital and extensive research facilities necessary to tackle society’s most challenging issues. And as a public research university, we take seriously our mission to develop solutions that improve the quality of life in our community, our country and around the world. Included among our faculty, alumni and researchers are 14 Nobel Prize winners, 13 faculty MacArthur Fellows, a Fields medalist, two Turing Award winners, and three Pulitzer Prize winners. Explore our site to learn more about us, research highlights, resources for researchers, how to engage with UCLA research and our initiatives.


Experienced teams provide support services to enable researchers to pursue inquiries and discovery.

Learn more about the subsidiary offices that help to administer and support research and creative activities conducted at UCLA.

Office of Research Administration (ORA) Technology Development Group (TDG) Research Enhancement Office (REO)  Research Policy & Compliance (RPC)



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UCLA Library Launches Temporary Digitization Service

Guidelines for Communicating about COVID-19 Cases on Campus

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